[Ipmitool-devel] Bug in condrestart in ipmievd.init.redhat
Alan Evangelista
2017-01-02 13:55:29 UTC

I see that condrestart action in contrib/ipmievd.init.redhat calls a inexistent restart() function
(looking at cvs repo and git repo - master branch).

It seems this bug was fixed in this patch:https://sourceforge.net/p/ipmitool/patches/34/ . Although
Jim Mankovich says the fix was merged to the cvs repository, for some reason I do not see it in the
cvs repository nor in the master branch in the git repository.

Should I resend the patch?

Alan Evangelista
Zdenek Styblik
2017-01-15 13:40:00 UTC
On Mon, Jan 2, 2017 at 2:55 PM, Alan Evangelista
Post by Alan Evangelista
I see that condrestart action in contrib/ipmievd.init.redhat calls a inexistent restart() function
(looking at cvs repo and git repo - master branch).
It seems this bug was fixed in this patch:https://sourceforge.net/p/ipmitool/patches/34/ . Although
Jim Mankovich says the fix was merged to the cvs repository, for some reason I do not see it in the
cvs repository nor in the master branch in the git repository.
Should I resend the patch?
Alan Evangelista
Hello Alan,

it seems you're right. Maybe Jim forgot to push his changes. Feel free
to open ticket at SF.net, if possible, and submit new patch.
Please note, however, I believe that Red Hat, or distributions in
general, has better init scripts and distribution-specific tooling in
general. For example, Debian tooling has been removed from the IPMI
tool upon agreement and left completely up to Debian as they simply
know what's best for Debian. IPMI tool doesn't. :)

Best regards,

Zdenek Styblik
Post by Alan Evangelista
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